QUO Courier and Logistics Ltd

QUO Courier and Logistics Ltd
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Friday 25 April 2014

About Time! Letting Go Of Bitterness and Anger

It is impossible to go through life without getting hurt by certain people (this includes being hurt by those you love dearly) but being bitter will not help you one bit. I have met people who have remained bitter and unforgiving and I must say that a lot of these people do not fare well at all. Letting go of bitterness is not exactly the easiest thing in the world especially if you have been hurt deeply by the offending party. But you need to understand that bitterness and un-forgiveness are harbingers of self destruction. According to scientific findings, people who harbor hatred and resentment towards others unwittingly release poisonous toxins into their system which slowly leads to health destroying illnesses. You need to understand that you only have one life to live and you should not waste it by being vengeful.

Letting go of bitterness starts by finding some kind of closure and forgiving the offending party; for instance if you are mad at an ex lover, call the person up just to talk; you can ask questions and tell the other person to be honest with you – doing this will help you find closure. If you cannot reach the person or people who have hurt you; write a letter to each of them telling them how they have hurt you and how you will rise above the situation; after you have written the letter, you should bury or burn them – doing this will help you cleanse your soul and purge it of bitterness.

Bitterness has horrible negative effects on you and some of the well known effects include:

Premature aging: People who are bitter and unforgiving typically walk around with a scowl which helps to quicken the aging process by leaving them with unattractive wrinkles. Being happy will even make you appear a lot younger than your actual age.

Places a negative energy around you:  No one wants to be in the company of a gloomy person. I personally avoid angry people who are like a bomb waiting to explode. Bitter people have a way of poisoning any atmosphere.

Endangers your health:  As mentioned earlier on, people who are bitter unknowingly release poison into their system.

By remaining bitter, you unwittingly give the offender some sort of control over you. Think about it, you may have also wronged someone unintentionally and you would want them to forgive you; so you need to learn to forgive those who have hurt you.


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