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Monday 9 February 2015

Manchester United In Sex-Rape Scandal Amid Claims That Players Filmed Teammate During The Act

A Manchester United player was filmed by team-mates as he and a woman were involved in an 'intimate sex act' in the toilets of a club, with the video then being passed around team-mates, it was alleged today. The Sun on Sunday claim the club is investigating following the alleged incident in which a women in her 20s performed a sex act on an un-named player. It's alleged that some of the player's Manchester United team-mates filmed the incident by putting camera phones over and under the cubicle door.

Whilst no players are named, the report says the footage was then shared around the dressing room. The women at the centre of the allegation is quoted by the Sun on Sunday as saying: "I have been crying my eyes out and I am not going to go into the details about it now".

The alleged incident happened at an "exclusive" Manchester venue. Claims over the sordid sex tape are the latest shame for the footballing community - which has been dogged by scandal following the release of rapist Ched Evans from prison last October.

Source: The Independent UK

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