Wonders shall never end, an old time saying or adage, deeply rooted in our National "DNA" as a people... Little wonder, an Hulk Hogan look alike was able to receiving the welcome of an "A" list on the streets of Lagos and even fooled the police, to believe they had in their company, the former Wrestle mania Champs. Unknown to the ecstatic fans, the Hulk Hogan impersonator is indeed a wrestler and talented one from South Africa., Known as Mr Wrestler.
Information reaching us, is that Mr Wrestler , thats the Hulk Hogan Impersonator, thereafter proceeded to open the MVP night Lounge and to declare open the night lounge. The QUESTION that lingers in my head, is if A.Y the COMEDIAN is part of this publicity stunt????
Ike Ogbonna |
Mr Wrestler With AY the Comediam |
Full Police Escort |
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