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QUO Courier and Logistics Ltd
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Monday 9 March 2015

Greedy Baby-Sitter Busted: Nanny Secretly Filmed Hitting 2-Year Old Before Stealing & Eating His Food

The viral video footage shows 25-year old Eve Mantaras slapping and backhanding a 2-year old, who is sat in his high chair, She then takes a plate of food that is meant for him and sits down to eat it in front of the hungry boy. The nanny from Argentina is now facing child abuse charges after she was secretly filmed hitting a baby and then stealing his food.
The toddler's mother Cristina Ceril had installed the secret camera in the family home in the city of Parana in the north east of Argentina and linked it to her smartphone. It came after she discovered a series of bruises on the youngster.
Meanwhile neighbours had also warned her that the toddler and his 10-year-old sibling were often heard screaming and were seen in tears on days when they were left alone with the nanny.

Mrs Ceril said: 'We would sometimes hear her with our son crying very early in the morning. It now makes my blood run cold to think what she might have been doing.'
Police and prosecutors now say they footage will be used in evidence as Mantaras faces criminal assault and child abuse charges. The mother added:

'We always thought she was a bit lazy around the house but we never imagined for a second that she was violent too. She actually stole my son's food and then hit him for saying he was hungry. She is sick.'

Source: DailyMail UK

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